+63 (2) 837 33 42 — help@ajeaccounting.com

AJE believes that our clients should be ahead of the competition. We help by empowering you through outsource business management and analysis on your financial data. We also provide you “advance” and “user friendly” automated tools so that you can keep track the progress of your business right at your finger tip--anytime and anywhere. Thus, enable you to make a timely business decision.

AJE believes that business should be done just and equitably. Hence, we will work with you and your team so you will be aware of all the labor and tax rules, regulations and accounting standards applicable to your business. We then help you maintain compliance on these rules, regulations and standards to be able to avoid unnecessary consequences or penalties and at the same time maximize the available incentives given by the government.

AJE believes that your business should operate efficiently” and “effectively. Thus, we are here to help assess your business and control risks and identify any inefficiencies in the process. We then recommend improvement by combining automated and the necessary manual process, set up a compliance framework and appropriate internal control measures that will address these risks.

We want you to achieve optimum results and higher profit by letting you focus at the core of your business operation. Thus, the other business essentials like finance, accounting, tax and administrative matters, you can entrust it to AJE.

Accounting and Bookkeeping

Tax Planning/ Compliance and Government Incentives Availment

Business Process Automation and Customization


Our Skills & Expertise


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